List of the First Management Committee, Supervisory Board, and Executive Committee of Yuanxu Law Firm author:元绪 Release date:2023-11-07 source:元绪律师事务所 331

1、 Yuanxu Management Committee (term of office is four years, can be re elected)
Composition personnel
Xie Jiazuo, Li Wanbao, Du Xueying, Yinghua, Haitao, Xia Jun, Li Hongying, Li Shuangyi, Guan Zhongquan (Senior Advisor)
2、 Yuan Xu Supervisory Board (term of office is four years, with no more than two consecutive terms)
Wang Heping, He Huaxiu, Wang Guipan, Dong Pengfei, Peng Jian
3、 Yuan Xu Executive Committee (with a term of four years and no more than two consecutive terms)
