Survival, development, and compliance of small and medium-sized enterprises in the new era author:李万保 Release date:2022-12-01 4003

The "14th Five Year Plan" for promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises points out that small and medium-sized enterprises are the driving force of national economic and social development, an important foundation for building a modern economic system, promoting high-quality economic development, and an important support for expanding employment and improving people's livelihoods. Small and medium-sized enterprises have played a very important role in many aspects, such as maintaining the main body of the market, stabilizing growth, expanding employment, and responding to the COVID-19.

At the macro level, it is self-evident that the government praises, affirms, and encourages the vast number of small and medium-sized enterprises; But at the micro level, every small and medium-sized enterprise faces varying degrees of survival and development problems. Therefore, setting aside the issues of survival and development, empty talk about compliance is tantamount to fantasy, lacking rationality and theoretical foundation. Survival, development, and compliance are interdependent in the lifeline of small and medium-sized enterprises.

The relationship between the survival, development, and compliance of small and medium-sized enterprises
The majority of small and medium-sized business owners are generally concerned about the survival and development of the enterprise, and a very small number of small and medium-sized business owners will pay attention to compliance issues. Business owners who value compliance issues often experience losses and serious consequences resulting from non-compliance during their business operations. They have suffered injuries, suffered pain, and learned painful lessons. Therefore, the painful experience of non-compliance in the past has become an external pressure and driving force for these small and medium-sized business owners to pursue corporate compliance, but the inherent driving force seems to be insufficient.
However, the frequent occurrence of non-compliance risks and consequences means that compliance and survival, as well as development, are interdependent and indispensable. Survival and development are not only the foundation of compliance, but also the goals pursued by compliance; Compliance can provide better and longer protection for survival and development. Therefore, how to make the majority of small and medium-sized business owners deeply realize the importance of compliance is a permanent and significant issue for the survival and development of enterprises.
