National Excellent Law Firm
The 5th National Advanced Collective in Legal Aid Work
Sichuan Excellent Law Firm
Sichuan Provincial Party Building Standardization Law Firm Party Organization
Title of "Advanced Collective" in the Three Year Special Activity of Sichuan Lawyer Notarization Legal Service Team Sending Law to Temples
Top 10 Law Firm Favorite by Sichuan People
Title of Advanced Party Organization in the Lawyer Industry of Sichuan Province
Chengdu Excellent Law Firm for 2019-2020
Advanced Grassroots Party Organizations in Chengdu City
Director Xie Jiazuo has been appointed as a supervisor for Master's degree holders in Law at the Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences
Director Xie Jiazuo has been appointed as a part-time professor at Leshan Normal University
Lawyer Wang Xue was awarded the title of "Outstanding Young Lawyer in Sichuan Province from 2018 to 2020"